Menstruation at Workplaces
In the past, we have engaged with employees and management teams at organisations like WeWork, CondeNast, Mahindra, MasterG, Vajor, IIM-Bengaluru etc. to build menstrual literacy and a more menstruator-friendly workplace.
If seeking vendor only collaboration for menstrual cups and cloth pads:
If seeking vendor only collaboration for menstrual cups and cloth pads:
- Ensure your target audience/beneficiaries have or will have access to information on a basket of menstrual products including disposables. This access to information ought to be recent through IEC workshops/sessions or other capacity building engagements
- Ensure you have resources to conduct such trainings, including knowledge partners (We could help you with this}, logistics, budgets etc
- Ensure you order not more than 20% menstrual cups and 40% cloth pads of the total target audience
- Ensure to sign our informed consent form, that no beneficiary or target audience will be imposed on with a cup/cloth pad even if by means of a free distribution
- Ensure that you ask for a subsidized costing if you are servicing a low income community
- Ensure that the final beneficiary of the product contributes a minimum amount to the purchase of the cup/cloth pads, based on their income levels. This enables adoption
- Ensure your target audience is informed and also perceives need for menstrual health and hygiene programming
- Ensure that you enable an ecosystem capacity building: If you are invested in programming with school children, enable programs that allow access to stakeholders in the lives of the school children including school administration and staff, parents, peers, primary health care workers, waste management workers, etc
- All of the above considerations apply
- Anticipate beneficiaries to ask questions on infrastructural deficits with respect to menstrual health and hygiene and develop a long term plan for the same
- All programs will have an inbuilt M&E (Monitoring & Evaluation) framework