At Boondh, a significant chunk of our outreach work happens through workshops, each designed and contextualized to suit the specific audience group. We believe strongly in the power of safe, non-judgmental spaces, experience sharing and active listening, and strive to realize these tenets.

The Crimson Wave
"Menstrual activism strives to resist menstrual shame, and expand knowledge and care options. Art of this kind provocatively challenges the viewer to assess their assumptions about menstrual taboos. It can upend what is taken for granted, and that’s powerful."
~ Chris Bobel, Author of New Blood: Third Wave Feminism and the Politics of Menstruation.

TwoGether Cup and Cloth Pad Program
The Twogether Cup and Cloth pad campaign is an initiative towards sharing economic privilege with menstruators who choose to use Boondh cups and cloth pads to manage their periods but don’t have the economic means to do so. Through this program, Boondh and its trusted partners reach out to communities and offer menstrual life skills sessions and make available reusable period care options such as menstrual cups and cloth pads, wherein a beneficiary invests INR 50-100 to ensure ownership and usage.

Stop Period Penalty (SPP) is a campaign to bring to light the scale of menstrual discrimination and exclusion in the Indian society, at various social set ups such as domestic expanse, workplaces, public spaces and the other nebulous stretches. Towards the campaign, Boondh will document the discriminatory practices across the country, and analyze the submissions with legal inputs to screen patterns that might arise, gather and collate pre-existing provisions and propose ways to address the concerns.

Through the campaign #PeriodsandPatrakaars, the goal is to enable writers with skills to up the quality of menstrual reporting through a toolkit of reporting guidelines. The toolkit has been designed incorporating inputs from various stakeholders - Media Houses, Journalism Students, MHH and Waste practitioners, Cis Menstruators, vulnerable menstruators including trans, queer, disabled, Dalit, Bahujan and Adivasi menstruators, and people living with menstrual disorders

The language and hyper-feminine conceptions of menstruation and menstruators can be severely harmful to the mental and physical wellbeing of queer people. Menstruation is not defined by womanhood and womanhood is not defined by menstruation. Challenging conventional connotations around menstruation is an important step to include genderqueer individuals who menstruate. Boondh and Schbang For Good launch #UngenderMenstruation to challenge the existing unidimensional discourse around menstruation.

Menstrual Rights in the Prison Ecosystem
Boondh’s work with the prison ecosystem in India, commenced with a collaboration with Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative. We’ve collaboratively worked on building a set of recommendations for ensuring menstrual hygiene in prisons. The work on menstrual advocacy in the prison ecosystem ensues with capacity building sessions based on these recommendations to members of the State Legal Services Authorities, Prison Staff Ecosystems and Prisoners and Undertrials in Indian Prisons. The recommendations have been drafted based on observations made during visits to female enclosures of prisons in Karnataka, Haryana and Punjab and so far, advocacy workshops have been carried out with the Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya and Punjab.

#ThePadEffect was a 26 day online campaign to advocate for sustainable menstruation and prevent thousands of tons of sanitary waste. Feminism in India ran the campaign with Boondh, Ecofemme, Shomota, Uger, Shecup and Saathi.